How do I change the columns in the Point of Sale transaction window? How do I change the columns in the Point of Sale transaction window? Check out the video below, followed by step-by-step... 0 1046
How do I change the password for an employee? How do I change the password for an employee? This is quite easy to do: Log into the Back Office... 0 789
How do I create an e-mail list? How do I create an e-mail list? Now that you’ve created an e-mail database for your Customers, there are two ways... 0 879
How do I lookup inventory for a product in POS? How do I lookup inventory for a product in POS? NOTE: Requires an active connection to the Back Office server. ... -1 835
How do I print an older End of Day report? How do I print an older End of Day report? From the Aralco POS System screen, select Transactions » Print... 0 804
How do I show product pictures in POS? How do I show product pictures in POS? To enable displaying product pictures in the POS transaction entry screen: From... 0 630
How do I void a POS transaction? How do I void a POS transaction? Any transaction since the last End of Shift for the register where the transaction... 0 1617
How is Available Quantity Calculated? How is the Available Quantity Calculated? The quantity available in the Inventory Lookup and on reports is the quantity that... 0 899
How is average cost calculated? How is average cost calculated? Average Cost = ((Current On Hand Qty X Current Avg Cost) + (Receiving Landed Cost... 0 894
How to Re-activate, De-activated staff, suppliers, customers and products To Re-activate Staff: Go to BOS, Utilities, Settings Then scroll down to System Find “View Activated Staff Only” It will... 0 80
Is it ok to continue selling during a physical count? Is it ok to continue selling during a physical count? The system does not stop you from selling, receiving or... 0 1026
Should I install Window’s Updates? Should I install Window’s Updates? It is highly recommended that your computer’s operating system be kept up-to-date with current maintenance... 0 328